Monday, November 3, 2008

*OLD* Nothing to Talk About

There's really nothing to talk about. I just got through a whole bunch of assignments and I finally have some time to relax but it will short-lived. It's my prediction. It just amazes me how all everyone ever talks about is how hard university is. How it's hard to get in, how much homework you get, how you need to talk notes from the teacher's lecture, etc. It just gets ridiculous. Sometimes I think that they are over-exaggerating just to scare us into doing our homework and really trying. Plus, if university's impossible, how come high school is so easy compared to it? How do you make the transition between high school and university? How do people survive university and still manage to have a good time?

It's really getting to the point where I feel like giving up. I mean what's the point, my grades won't change from grade eleven. So even if I do really well in grade twelve, one class you get an okay mark in and that's it you're pretty much screwed. It's just too much.

Oh, please forgive my emotional whining. I was having a bad day.

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