Monday, November 3, 2008

*OLD* Buffy Musical and Joss Whedon

Now I'm not sure how many people know this but my favourite director is Joss Whedon. Generally noticed for his long-running series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What most people don't know is that he had a short-lived sci-fi show,Firefly, while he was writing, directing and producing Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, which is a spin-off of Buffy. I couldn't believe it. He had all those ideas and they were really original; you never saw the same idea used on Angel, or Firefly as you did on Buffy. The characterization is excellent and the metamorphasis of the characters makes them feel so life-like, like they could really be out there. He's actually what started getting me into science-fiction shows and his writing gave me a deeper understanding in my characters and my own writing. If I could be as great as him one day, my life would be complete.

Anyways, besides this being an 'I love Joss Whedon' post, it's also a Buffy post. Joss Whedon had a dream, he always wanted to write a musical and so he turned an episode of Buffy into a musical. It was phenomenal; I was so enchanted by it that I bought the cd and listen to it all the time. It has something for everyone, from the campy-nonsensical stuff from past musicals, to the heavy guitar rifts of rock. The actors did an amazing job and the best part is the lyrics, they can be so profound and make you really feel for the characters and then be completely ridiculous, where he breaks down the third wall. He has amazing musicality, composing parts of the songs himself.

He also wrote an internet musical with his brothers starring Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion. It's really great, check out my previous posts to find out more information. If you want to check it out, even if it's just a little clip go to YouTube and type in Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. My favourite songs are "A Man's Gotta Do", "Freeze Ray" and "So They Say."

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