Friday, November 28, 2008


Alright, so this is mine:

Parents are like blankets, they scratch you when you move against them.

So, what do you think?? You like it??


Ms. Cat said...

i love it. I get scratched regularly.

Maria R. said...

i know, me too!

Dion said...

i hate scratchy blankets. Usually, those are the wool kinds. I happen to be allergic to wool anyways, so I tend not to go anywhere near them.

Now let me ask you a question, was that a simple comment, or an extension to your extended metaphor? You be the judge

Maria R. said...

Probably an extension, knowing you, Dion but, exactly what makes a parent, or blanket, "wool"?

Eliza said...

Aww :) That's a cool metaphor.