Monday, November 3, 2008

*OLD* A New Faith

So, it's kind of insane but lately I've noticed a growing trend in tv shows, they seem to have religious themes or imagery. Like in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, the first episode of the season was called 'Samson and Delilah' which is a story in the bible about this powerful warrior who had really long hair, but then his hair got cut and he lost his power. Besides that, most of the episode was set in a Catholic church.

Then in Supernatural, Dean gets brought back from the dead (and Hell) by an angel. An honest to God angel, the kind with wings, y'know God's messengers. So then the Angel (whose name is Castiel, and who burnt out a psychic's eyes but that's a story for another time) puts his hand on Dean's shoulder and says, "we have work for you to do." Umm, what? Since when does God come into play in a show about the supernatural? Okay, so that does actually kind of make sense, 'specially 'cause God himself can be considered supernatural, still it made me kind of take a step back. On the other hand, the angel was really cool and he kind of looked like the Tenth Doctor from Dr. Who.

However this is the icing on the cake, in the newest Heroes episode (which played yesterday at eight and nine; there were TWO episodes) Nathan says that he was saved by God. Well, he did come back from the dead after being shot three rimes in the chest. Still, to top it off Nathan went to the hospital's chapel and talked to a woman in Spanish and said that he had seen God.

This isn't a complaint, far from it, I like the idea of God introduced in all these supernatural shows but I'm just wondering what is going on? And because of this fascination, I kind of craving writing my own stories about angels. I think I have an idea like that someone in here *ruffles through brain* Oh well, I'll look for it later. Ja ne!

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