Monday, November 3, 2008

*OLD* The Case of the Haunted DVD Player (Who is in Leagues with the TV)

So, I swear my dvd player is haunted. It will just turn on randomly during the night (sometimes I fall asleep with it on, but sometimes I swear I turned it off.) And sometimes it doesn't turn off at all, it will just stay no matter how many times I press the off button. Sometimes it will also stay on even after I pull the plug out. It's seriously freaking me out. It's like someone's holding down the power button so that I can't turn it off. My TV will even do it, or there will be a DVD in and it'll just show this grey screen.

I cleaned my tv and dvd but it hasn't helped at all. Maybe I need to call in the Winchesters, I wonder if they do housecalls to Canada?

P.S. We're getting a new van soon, with a dvd player and Mp3 outlet. I'm very excited. Anyways, see y'all later.

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