I really like this one site called Cracked! It's really mysoginistic, perverted and deals with mature subjects but it's also really funny and informative. Still based on the title of my post you can tell that some people have no lives. Cracked.com came up with a list of things that you'll be shocked you can buy on EBay, and it's scary. I'm kind of terrified to think that people out there would actually buy some of this stuff.
Like, you can sell used tissues that were touched by famous people and there's a huge market out there! There was a woman who was selling her old breast implants-before they were replaced by new ones, I know, creepy as heck. And really unhygenic, too. I don't know how much it went for but it's just too creepy to think about. Someone was selling a male chastity belt (made entirely out of plastic) Yeah, boys, just imagine wearing that.
Let's see, there's someone selling a Nickelback shot glass, Barack Obama Digital Political Pop Art, the world's largest Lite-Brite (which is a recreation of DaVinci's The Last Supper) there was a raccoon penis bone (the user has an entire collection of things made from the bone and accessories to go with it...yeah, I'm scared, too...) But the best would have to be invisibility, the actual power of invisibility is being sold on EBay, and they promise that it's not an illusion! Huh.
But that's still not the most insane thing I ever heard, there was a boom in IPod accessories, everyone knows the sensible ones, like the alarm clock, and the protective case but, I bet you didn't know that there was an IPod Breathalizer, or an Ipod Teeth-Whitener (apparently, sound waves help to whiten your teeth and strengthen your enamel.) There's an IPod Laser Light, that plugs into the headphone port, kind of useless when IPods light up anyways. There was even an IPod Shaver (for men and women!) But I think the most insane was the IPod toilet paper holder, with six waterproof speakers. Meditate on that a while and see what's wrong with that.
Still, I think the craziest thing, that had Animal Rights Activists up in arms, was the IPond. Yes, now you can have a little tiny beta fish instead of your IPod screen and listen to music while you stare at it. Yeah, I think I can see a few problems there. Still, it's nice to know that creativity has not completely dissapeared, if only it could be sensible again and used for actual function. Oh, and that the fish haven't been forgotten, remember, sea life needs protecting too!
http://www.cracked.com/article_16216_p2.html (IPod Accessories)
Oh yeah, you actually showed me crack.com It's such a funny site! I can't believe though ipond actually has a LIVE fish in it!
i know!
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