Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Meeting with the Doctor

Just something that popped into my head as I was walking home from school. Italics are a response to a question.

As I was walking home,
past the creepy-looking house on Sammon,
my music blasting in my ears-

No, it wasn't the Spice Girls.

Anyway, I looked up from scanning through my list,
I spied a blue telephone box,
but not just a telephone box,
a police telephone box.

Yes, there is such a thing, just not in Canada.

Being the curious kitten that I was,
I went up to the box and rapped on it,
It opened and out came The Doctor.

What do you mean Dr. Who? THE DOCTOR, now stop interupting.

So he looked me up and down,
a grin on his face and hair spiked crazily.
"Would like to see the world?" He asked me.
I nodded and stepped into the Tardis.

The TIME-MACHINE HE TRAVELS IN! You are no longer allowed to talk.

"It's bigger on the inside," I said.
He grinned, "that's what they all say."
"So where are we going?"
"Oh, just a little galaxy-"

HEY! Where are you going? Stop! I command you to stop, or I'll send the Daleks after you! Stop laughing! I said, stop laughing!

1 comment:

Ms. Cat said...

How come no one commented on this. What a weird little piece of writing. YOu are too talented girl!