Friday, December 12, 2008

MC Mia on the Mike

So, not many of you probably know this but today (Friday December 12, 2008) I was the Master of Ceremonies for the Winter Haromonies Assembly. It was sort of a last minute thing and it was a lot more stressful than I had first anticipated. I had to run around to all my morning teachers and get there permission and move assignments and presentations around so that I could do it. It was worth it in the end.

I had a lot of fun even though I was really nervous. I expected to see the spotlight shining on me, and I would open my mouth and no sound would come out. But it didn't turn out like that at all. I even cracked a few jokes and the audience responded really well. I don't know if anyone can vouch for me though.

I was really nervous, I shook uncontrallably when the paper was in my hands but after a while, I guess I got used to it and my nervousness went down. It was still there but it was a lot more downplayed. I'm glad I got to do it (I almost refused.) It's something I'll remember, even if it was just a small assembly. It took a lot of courage to get up there because of my stage fright but I did it anyways and I didn't screw up too badly. (Missed a cue once, but that was fine.)

It'll be another high school memory to take with me.


Anonymous said...

Awww..Well I'm glad you did it. And I'm sure you were awesome! :)

Ms. Cat said...

I had no idea. YOu gotta tell me about these things.