Monday, December 29, 2008


So on Boxing Day, I convinced my mother to take me down to John St. to the Chapters there, where I bought myself Doctor Who Season One. It was on sale and I had a hundred dollars in gift certificates for Chapters, so I picked it up.

Here's something you may not know, Doctor Who is ridiculously expensive. Still I bought it, even thought it cost $108.00 and I spent the last few days, soaking it in as I religiously watched it. I even watched most of the special features, and now, I think I'll watch it again. Maybe next week, though.

So while downtown I wanted to see if Angel Season 2 was still on sale for $19.99. It wasn't at Best Buy so we agreed to pop into the HMV down the street. It was there and on sale....

I could buy TWO SEASONS of Angel for $30.00 which is what I did, so now I have Angel Season 2 and Season 3 which I have been watching all day. Seriously, I didn't get out of bed except to eat breakfast and make the hellspawns lunch. Then I was right back up here, and enjoying every second of it.

Two days ago, we went to Scarborough Town Centre and I had Taco Bell and we stared at the puppies in the petshop. I was getting kind of annoyed with all the kids and the tiny cages they had them in. My mom bought some really cute things for work using her gift certificate, and I found this really cute pair of jeans (not skinny) and a pin-striped vest which makes me look really good.


Eliza said...

I agree about the Doctor Who dvds being extremely expensive. My boyfriend is really into Doctor Who, and we had a look at the dvd prices from HMV, Amazon, and E-bay. And for some strange reason they all seem to cost around 90-100$

Johnny Dish said...

That's why I never buy tv shows on dvd...Except king of the hill, trailerpark boys, and kenny vs. spenny. Even then though, its expensive. Haha you went on quite the shopping spree, eh? I have yet to really buy anything of value with all my Christmas money.. I paid my dad back some money I owed him, bought some things for a few friends, and bought a BUNCH of food.
Next time you see me, I'll weigh an extra 20 pounds.
Happy Holidays though. :)