Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Very few things tend to get under my skin and make my teeth clench as a way to restrain my sometimes offensive and explosive temper.

1. My cousins. They constantly yell/scream/hit each other which wakes me up, and when I wake up cranky, I'm cranky for the rest of the day. They also enjoy stealing the remote control out of my hands, hog the computer and have volume battles (that's where one turns up their music to an ear-shattering decibel and the other tries to out do them. Oh, what fun.) However, that's only a tiny smidgen of some of their efforts to make my life miserable.

2. When people insist that they are right when they are wrong. However, I am a hypocrite because I can sometimes be one of those people. I understand that everyone has their own opinion, and that it may be different from mine, but despite my knowing this. I enjoy living in my world where I am usually right, and anyone who tries to burst my happy little bubble will end up on my 'Things That Bother Me' List.

3. I hate when I can't make my own decisions, and when people assume I'll do something just because they say so. My mother is one of these people, she always volunteers me for things that I don't want to do. Then, when I complain she gets this annoyed look on her face like, it's my fault and I'm ungrateful. Well, I'm sorry that I don't want to work every single weekend from seven until midnight at a stupid theme park that is overpriced anyway! The boss is demeaning and I get yelled out by customers because she's too cheap to buy well-made products!

So, like I said, these are just some select few things that I find aggravating and can drive me to angry tears. Yes, the list is longer but I fear if I continue my blog will become R-Rated filled with cacophonic words starting with the letter F and so forth.


Dion said...

1) My cousins are the same
2) My brother is the same
3) My parents are the same


Anonymous said...

lolz it seems like you two have so much in commen. I agree with your third one all the way! Actually I'm surprised I'm not on that list ahahah.

Maria R. said...

Aww, Liz, you know I love you. And Dion, I pity you.