Monday, December 29, 2008


My dad, mum and I were watching the dog show the other night and looking at all the breeds. My mum's kind of a big fan and can predict who's gonna win, she knows more about the scoring than I do; I just kind of watch for the dogs, though I like cats better.

Anyways, she said that if the prices are good we might get a dog when my grandmother goes to Greece (which is in April) and that way by the time she gets back we'll have trained it and she can't complain!


Seriously, my grandmother hates animals and always complains about them, and has even given away some of my pets while I was at school. Admittedly, I wasn't very responsible as a child but I'm grown up now, and she still assumes I do nothing. So, a puppy....doesn't that sound great?


So on Boxing Day, I convinced my mother to take me down to John St. to the Chapters there, where I bought myself Doctor Who Season One. It was on sale and I had a hundred dollars in gift certificates for Chapters, so I picked it up.

Here's something you may not know, Doctor Who is ridiculously expensive. Still I bought it, even thought it cost $108.00 and I spent the last few days, soaking it in as I religiously watched it. I even watched most of the special features, and now, I think I'll watch it again. Maybe next week, though.

So while downtown I wanted to see if Angel Season 2 was still on sale for $19.99. It wasn't at Best Buy so we agreed to pop into the HMV down the street. It was there and on sale....

I could buy TWO SEASONS of Angel for $30.00 which is what I did, so now I have Angel Season 2 and Season 3 which I have been watching all day. Seriously, I didn't get out of bed except to eat breakfast and make the hellspawns lunch. Then I was right back up here, and enjoying every second of it.

Two days ago, we went to Scarborough Town Centre and I had Taco Bell and we stared at the puppies in the petshop. I was getting kind of annoyed with all the kids and the tiny cages they had them in. My mom bought some really cute things for work using her gift certificate, and I found this really cute pair of jeans (not skinny) and a pin-striped vest which makes me look really good.


So, how was Christmas for you guys?

Mine was good, typical holiday. We went to my nonna's on Christmas Eve where we ate seafood because in the Catholic tradition you're not supposed to eat meat on Christmas Eve. Seems like all the religious events are about suffering, even though it is a happy occasion what with the birth of Jesus Christ and all that. Still we feasted and my dad went to midnight mass and then when he came back we opened gifts.

I got lots of clothes, mostly shirts and some money, plus a Batman hoodie and a new cellphone from my parents and my brother. It's gorgeous! I can't stop playing with it. I'm afraid I have East York Cellphone Syndrome, or whatever it's called.

I also got an IPod port-thingy which means that I can connect my IPod and listen to my music externally. It's white and shiny! It also works really well, so that's all for me. What about you in the blogosphere?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So, it's Tuesday which means blog day. Yeah, I like to keep to a schedule but not a routine. I don't do well with routines. It's because I'm a pisces, it took me years to get into a habit of taking showers, brushing my teeth and taking my vitamins. So here's some little tidbits about Pisceans, in case any of you bloggers are interested, or if you have friends who are Pisceans.

Pisceans possess a gentle, patient, malleable nature. They have many generous qualities and are friendly, good natured, kind and compassionate, sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and respond with the utmost sympathy and tact to any suffering they encounter. They are deservedly popular with all kinds of people, partly because their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge to stronger and more exuberant characters. They accept the people around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them. They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own.

I also have my moon sign in Libra which gives me my organizational skills. Among other things. My friend is also a water and air sign, like me. We get along really well, hardly ever argue or fight, unlike my other friend, who we always snipe at each other. I bolded my birthday and the people who also have the same day.

Anyways, here's some famous Pisces, and their birthdays. Enjoy.

Let me just say it is so cool that Michealangelo was a Piscean, and Elizabeth Taylor, Bernadette Peters and MR. ROGERS!

February 26, 1932 - Johnny Cash - Singer
February 27, 1932 - Elizabeth Taylor - Actress
February 28, 1473 - Nicolaus Copernicus - Astronomer
February 28, 1906 - Bugsy Siegal - Criminal
February 28, 1948 - Bernadette Peters - Comedian/Singer/Actress (ON BROADWAY!!)
March 2, 1904 - Dr. Suess - Children's Writer
March 2, 1962 - Jon Bon Jovi - Musician
March 3, 1903 - Alexander G. Bell - Inventor
March 3, 1911 - Jean Harlow - Actress
March 4, 1934 - Jane Goodall - Anthropologist

March 6, 1806 - Elizabeth B. Browning - Poet
March 8, 1922 - Cyd Charisse - Dancer
March 10, 1845 - Czar Alexander III - Royalty
March 12, 1936 - Liza Minnelli - Singer
March 14, 1933 - Michael Caine - Actor
March 14, 1879 - Albert Einstein - Scientist
March 14, 1947 - Billy Crystal - Comedian
March 15, 1475 - Michaelangelo - Artist

March 17, 1919 - Nat King Cole - Singer
March 17, 1951 - Kurt Russell - Actor
March 17, 1964 - Rob Lowe - Actor

March 19, 1947 - Glenn Close - Actress
March 19, 1955 - Bruce Willis - Actor
March 20, 1928 - Fred Rogers - Kid Show
March 20, 1957 - Spike Lee - Director
March 20, 1958 - Holly Hunter - Actress

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Newspaper and the Teacher Talent Show

I'm really excited for the class newspaper, I keep telling everyone I know to attain a copy after the holidays! Everything is turning out so great, the adbuster-ads are really funny, and I've seen bits of the layout (sneakily watching over Kam's and Alex's shoulders) and I don't think I've been more excited! We only had a week and three days but it's really coming together! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on everything and to Ms.Cat, who trusted us to do our own thing and coming up with the project!

On an entirely unrelated note:



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Dunno

I don't know really to write about.

Christmas holidays are coming up, and it annoys me that I can't say 'Merry Christmas' because some people might find that offensive. I think those people need to get a life and stop whining about things. So, Winter Holidays are coming up, and that means no school for two weeks. And most of my teachers have decided on no homework, cause they don't want to mark it. So, it looks like it'll be an easy holiday.

Which is a good thing, even though as each Christmas goes by, I find myself more jealous of my cousins. It's not my fault, they really do get everything. They have three X-Boxes, an Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, digital cameras and the kitchen sink. Okay, I was kidding about the kitchen sink part.

So I find myself growing more and more bitter as the Christmases go by. Oh well, I'll just need to suck it up and show off my great acting skills for another year. Maybe I can convince someone to buy me Torchwood Season 1, or maybe Doctor Who Season 3.

Happy Holidays Everybody!

Friday, December 12, 2008

MC Mia on the Mike

So, not many of you probably know this but today (Friday December 12, 2008) I was the Master of Ceremonies for the Winter Haromonies Assembly. It was sort of a last minute thing and it was a lot more stressful than I had first anticipated. I had to run around to all my morning teachers and get there permission and move assignments and presentations around so that I could do it. It was worth it in the end.

I had a lot of fun even though I was really nervous. I expected to see the spotlight shining on me, and I would open my mouth and no sound would come out. But it didn't turn out like that at all. I even cracked a few jokes and the audience responded really well. I don't know if anyone can vouch for me though.

I was really nervous, I shook uncontrallably when the paper was in my hands but after a while, I guess I got used to it and my nervousness went down. It was still there but it was a lot more downplayed. I'm glad I got to do it (I almost refused.) It's something I'll remember, even if it was just a small assembly. It took a lot of courage to get up there because of my stage fright but I did it anyways and I didn't screw up too badly. (Missed a cue once, but that was fine.)

It'll be another high school memory to take with me.