Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday Nights...

So, the most important thing about Thursdays is Supernatural. It started during the second season. I really didn't like Supernatural in the beginning, I thought it was way too scary. I wouldn't even be in the same room as someone who was watching it. But after catching an episode with my dad, while I was doing homework, I fell in love.

It was really all Sam's fault (he's the younger brother) He just looked so sad and helpless and it really pulled at my heartstrings. So, after the attraction to Sam. I only started watching the show for Dean (the older brother) who played in one of my favourite tv shows called Dark Angel. He played a genetically-enhanced soldier named Alec who is sarcastic and selfish, and really, really good-looking.

So, that's it. Tonight is a brand new episode of Supernartural which follows after Samhain. Basically, all the spirits they fought are being brought back on Samhain by the demons. The Winchester brothers and an angel named Castiel have to fight to put the spirits back where they belong. Maybe we'll finally get a brother confrontation about Sam's demonic powers and demon-flirting. Yeah, God hates Sam and wants Dean to kill his brother if he continues to use his demonic powers. Thing is, Sam agreed much too quickly, so I think, that he's still doing it, only he's being much more careful about it.

That would be a pretty cool twist.

Anyways, guys, have a happy thursday! And prepare for my costume tomorrow, it will be hilarious!


So, tomorow's HALLOWEEN!


It is my absolute favourite holiday. I love Halloween. I love dressing up as someone else and spend a lot of time planning my costume and making it. I usually make my costume; I find it gives it more personality than the store bought ones. Unfortunately, my family views Halloween as a satanic and anti-religious holiday and they don't celebrate it, other than handing out candy. However, when I get older. Halloween will be celebrated all through out the month of October, much like Christmas and I'll have a big Halloween party for my friends and their kids and my kids.

So, here's a little Halloween history for you bloggers:

All Saints' Day (All Hallows Day) became fixed on November 1 in 835, and All Souls' Day on November 2, circa 998. On All Souls' Eve, families stayed up late, and little "soul cakes" were eaten by everyone. At the stroke of midnight there was solemn silence among households, which had candles burning in every room to guide the souls back to visit their earthly homes, and a glass of wine on the table to refresh them. The tradition continued in areas of northern England as late as the 1930s, with children going from door-to-door "souling" (i.e., singing songs) for cakes or money. The English Reformation in the 16th century de-emphasised holidays like All Hallows Day or All Souls Day and their associated eve.


Halloween is very popular in Ireland, where it originated, and is known in Irish as Oíche Shamhna (pron: ee-hah how-nah), literally "Samhain Night". Pre-Christian Celts had an autumn festival, Samhain (pronounced /ˈsˠaunʲ/from the Old Irish samain), "End of Summer", a pastoral and agricultural "fire festival" or feast, when the dead revisited the mortal world, and large communal bonfires would hence be lit to ward off evil spirits.


I know about Samhain, thanks to my best friend who is Pagan. She celebrates it as both the commercial North-American version, and as a religious holiday.

Best of both worlds. TTFN.

What Makes Me Happy

Wow, I've really noticed a lot of emotional blog topic, also our journal this week was about being scared.

Huh. So, I guess I should tell you guys what makes me really happy, and besides the obvious ones (my family, my friends, etc.) it really has a lot to do with what I love. Well, as probably all of you know I am a big geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy television shows. So, whenever I'm really sad I just pop in my favourite tv show. Unlike my friends, one who listens to music when she's in a bad mood, and the other just writes on her own blog when she's in a bad mood. I prefer instead to lose myself in the struggles of my favourite characters.

So, I pop in Firefly, or Supernatural, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Dark Angel and I spend a goof few hours in my bedroom just watching. My parents will complain about me being alone and tell me to go downstairs but it's therapeutic for me. I need to do it. So, even if I have mountains full of homework, or chores to do, I push them aside for a few hours and just do what I love. I guess it makes me look bad, and probably lazy but it makes me happy, and that's all that matters.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Very few things tend to get under my skin and make my teeth clench as a way to restrain my sometimes offensive and explosive temper.

1. My cousins. They constantly yell/scream/hit each other which wakes me up, and when I wake up cranky, I'm cranky for the rest of the day. They also enjoy stealing the remote control out of my hands, hog the computer and have volume battles (that's where one turns up their music to an ear-shattering decibel and the other tries to out do them. Oh, what fun.) However, that's only a tiny smidgen of some of their efforts to make my life miserable.

2. When people insist that they are right when they are wrong. However, I am a hypocrite because I can sometimes be one of those people. I understand that everyone has their own opinion, and that it may be different from mine, but despite my knowing this. I enjoy living in my world where I am usually right, and anyone who tries to burst my happy little bubble will end up on my 'Things That Bother Me' List.

3. I hate when I can't make my own decisions, and when people assume I'll do something just because they say so. My mother is one of these people, she always volunteers me for things that I don't want to do. Then, when I complain she gets this annoyed look on her face like, it's my fault and I'm ungrateful. Well, I'm sorry that I don't want to work every single weekend from seven until midnight at a stupid theme park that is overpriced anyway! The boss is demeaning and I get yelled out by customers because she's too cheap to buy well-made products!

So, like I said, these are just some select few things that I find aggravating and can drive me to angry tears. Yes, the list is longer but I fear if I continue my blog will become R-Rated filled with cacophonic words starting with the letter F and so forth.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's All Greek to Me!

My Studies in Literature teacher often speaks Greek. It's nothing really bad but it is hilarious, especially since most Greek insults/sayings when translated into English do not make ANY sense. Like, she keeps saying that she's going to "eat you" which is nothing really awful, just kind of funny. Or when you are angry at someone, you can say tha fas xilo which means "you are going to eat wood." Then there's fas petra which translated means, "go eat rocks" which is another way of saying "shut up" or "zip it." There's also a sound sut which is like "shh" only sounds much ruder then "shh."

See what I mean about the not making any sense?

But my favourite saying in Greek basically means, "go grab a pitcher of milk and sit on it."

Wow, those Greeks sure did some strange things.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Something Exciting

So, I came home from school to find a package waiting for me. My mom and I order books online from chapters and so I was really excited, hoping it would be what I ordered. It was. My two books, well one book and one manga. I ordered and received volume 7 of Ouran High School Host Club which is a Japanese graphic novel about this club called the Host Club at this very elite school.

A Host Club is a Japanese tradition where women, or men, can go to this establishment where they get paired up with a worker and they have a drink together. It's very refined and is supposed to mimic the salons and tea parties of the French. While some Host Clubs can be more adult, most of them are generally about interaction between individuals. It can be considered an archaic practice to our culture, but the Japanese consider it completely normal.

Anyways, so the manga is about the characters of the Host Club and the arrival of a scholarship student, Haruhi into their ranks. I enjoy it mostly because it parodies itself; the characters are humorous and the plot line is very simple. It's just something enjoyable that doesn't require a lot of thought or contemplation, but I still love it. The make parodies of the archetypes in Japanese manga, like the pretty boy, the girl pretending to be a boy, the twins, etc.

The second book I got is called "Torchwood: The Twilight Streets" which is actual a novelization of a British science-fiction television series based in Cardiff, Wales (famous for being the birthplace of Roald Dahl) about these individuals who fight against extraterrestrial terrorists. It's actually a spin-off of the Dr. Who series and the two shows will cross over at certain pivotal episodes. It's a really good series for anyone who likes science-fiction and will keep an open mind, as it can be considered very adult, which sexual content and language. I just got into it recently and had to buy one of the books, just to see more of my favourite characters and some more development, which they can't always show in the television show.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Culture in Everyday

Just something that I noticed today; typical with European families and reminiscent of the past there's a lot of evidence of my family's cultural background in my house. There's carpets everywhere that we pull out in the winter, which is mainly linked to Greek-Canadians. Like calling a car "carro" or the floor "flori" If you used these words in Greece, they'd look at you funny and probably shuffle away muttering about "stupid, exenos." Something I experienced firsthand when my cousins stayed with us this summer from Greece.

Anyways, I have actual Greek columns on which sit replicas of ancient Greek urns. Our teacups in the cupboard have depictions of Greek myths on them. We have a plate with Demeter on it, and another depicting a story from Ancient Greece, about two warriors and a woman. I don't know the actual story but it could be one of several. We have statues of the goddesses Aphrodite and Athene. A stone depiction of Herakles (Hercules) and let me point out that back then most of the statues were nude. A little difficult to explain to your non-Greek friends.

My family is Orthodox and extremely religious; mainly in part of my grandmother who lives with us. She makes sure to bless the house, keep candles lit and keep an icon in every single room. Like God is always watching you. It can be unnerving at times. Even the kitchen has a depiction of the Last Supper, probably to remind us while we're eating of what Jesus sacrificed. I think that's my favourite part about Greek culture, it's a synthesis between the old and the new. There's still paintings and statues erected of the Greek Gods today, and places in Greece that still worship them.

I thought it would be nice to talk a little bit about my home; give you a more personal look into my life. So, hope you liked it. h